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The Bruce is the Bruce Because….

April 18, 2010

While I was milking today I started to think about our area and all the interesting people that live up here.

 There are some really amazing individuals that walk amongst us and there are more and more coming to join us every year. We are blessed with an abundance of brain power and colour, right here in little old Bruce County.

 The people up here have come here for a number of reasons. For some it is the place they spent their youth going to the beach, hiking, fishing and just hanging out. The place where they formed the foundations of their personalities, the place where they found God, the place where they discovered love or the talents they would utilize in their careers.

 These people all had a connection with The Bruce in some form and they all pledged they would return, and so they have, bringing the wisdom their youth taught them.

 Some born here, never left,  but for short stints to discover, that they didn’t want to be anywhere else. They returned to their roots and raised their families, built their businesses do what they do. You can see these few at Tim’s in the line waiting their turn. There  is a twinkle in their eyes you can see if you look closely. It is a spark that says they know!

 Now some folks up here are here because they are hiding, some are here to discover what they left behind and yet some come here to escape the rest of the world. All have an appreciation for the sound of the loons, the whispering of the wind through the trees, the walks along the beach, the sunsets and the camaraderie that lies beneath the hard surface of a Brucer.

 The Bruce has a healing power, you can see it when you walk through the bush along the trails, on the dock in Colpoy’s Bay, in the rocks at the Tub. It is a healing that forgives, it is a healing that resolves the mistakes of the past, it is a healing that inspires the future. It offers hope.

 Yes we have our share of characters, those that are still looking for something, those that are hoping to forget and those wanting to share what they have discovered on their journey. 

 The stories told at Harry’s Thursday nights by those that indulge tell tales of victories, losses, loves and failure. The dreams of tomorrow that may never come to fruition, the mountains yet to climb and the dreams washed away with time.

 You can wander into the Legion and see the scares of the few that were or over to the Inn and see the youth discovering their foundations on the patio with a cold one.

 Take a run up to Mar and have cheese burger and a coke and watch as Warren pumps gas to the tourists heading for the ferry. If you are lucky Warren will sit and talk of his journey, his racing days, his days in the service. Sometimes he will talk of his place in Florida or about his son as he beams with pride!

 You might head over to Red Bay or down to Oliphant and wonder or remember when the water was so much deeper and the rivers were filled with fish.

 Hit the Beach at Sauble have some fries at Cosmos and walk listening to the gulls and the waves setting the pace. Everywhere there are people content where they are and why they are here.

 Yes the Bruce is place to create memories or relive the ones long forgotten. A place where people say hi whether they know you or not, whether they like you or hate you. It is a place where if you stop and listen you can hear the faint whispers of lives lived and lives to be lived, of great dreams and of lost thoughts.

 There is a common thing about Brucers in general, they like to be in their own piece of paradise, they all love to see visitors now and again. They like their space. They create with their soul. They give with their heart. They are together yet apart. A river gently flowing  carrying with them that little spark, a twinkle that they will share with you when you take the time ask.

 They are set in their ways, but not afraid to embrace new concepts from time to time. Daring to be bold when inspired. They are not afraid to stand their ground if they think they are right and not afraid to walk away if things don’t go as they think they should.

Yes this is the Bruce, it is a good place. It is better than anywhere else cause it has you!!


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